Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our new President...

I am finding myself bitter about Obama being the next President of our country!! I was at work watching it and I just stood there watching when I should have been putting my patient to bed, but she was as shocked as I was about it, that she didnt complain on how long it took me to get her ready for bed. But... WHY OBAMA??? What makes him so great that he deserves to be out next president? He isnt patriotic in any way, and he says he is going to take away gun laws and all that crap, raise our taxes. I think its cool that we have a black president but why obama? I think the end of the world is coming. And our country is going to go down the crapper. I think so much is being taken away from us. It makes me mad and sad at the same time. In the D&C it says that in the last days, the constitution is going to hang by a thread, and I am sad to say that I believe we are now in the last days. Which really scares me and I am sure it will scare alot of people because we arent ready for it to be over. Sad sad. Im going to say now:


Ryan & Candice Lamb said...

I think that's what all of our conversations have surrounded today at work and I don't think I could agree more!

The Hoveys said...

Don't forget that the scriptures also mention that a member of the priesthood will oversee our government in the last days. Also, don't believe everything you read. Obama will not raise OUR taxes. Don't worry. He's only going to make the tax payments fair. Everything will be fine. Take care!

Johnu said...

Dear Lerrin (as I guess it's you who's writing). I'm from Finland and would really like to know about this oppinion of Yours more precisely:
-Why do You say he is not patriotic?
-Why do he has to be patriotic?
-What kind of gun laws is he taking away? The right to posses a gun? Why is it important to You?

I just would like to know this, if you would be so kind to give me an answer. You do live in America, so it's different. I would like to hear an oppinion from You. Thanks :)

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

It's definitly something i'm struggling with, but i'm going to be hopeful, i realize how important it is for us to stand as a nation and suppourt our one another, otherwise we'll definitly crumble. I did not vote for him, but I am hopeful for a positive outcome, no human being is perfect but i need to set my judgements aside and realize that God is in control.

Kati said...

hey I am curious, whats the scripture in the D&C where it says the constitution will hang by a thread?